Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 60
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (AUTHOR=St AND Clair AND Aimee)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2008 National Emissions Inventory, version 2 technical support document : june 2012 draft 2012
2008 National Emissions Inventory, version 3 technical support document : draft 2013
2011 National Emissions Inventory : version 1 technical support document, June 2014 draft 2014
2011 National Emissions Inventory, version 2 technical support document 2015
2014 National Emissions Inventory : version 1 technical support document 2016
2014 National Emissions Inventory : version 2 technical support document 2018
2017 aircraft LTO data processing for the National Emission Inventory 2018
2017 NEI final plan 2017
2017 NEI final plan : appendix 5: potential business rules - selecting data with overlapping pollutants across different datasets 2019
Documentation for the 2005 mobile National Emissions Inventory, version 2 / 2008
Documentation for the 2008 mobile source National Emissions Inventory / 2011
Documentation for the final 1999 National Emissions Inventory (version 3.0) for criteria air pollutants and ammonia, area sources. / 2004
Documentation for the final 1999 National Emissions Inventory (version 3.0) for criteria air pollutants and ammonia, point sources / 2004
Documentation for the final 2002 mobile National Emissions Inventory, version 3 / 2007
Documentation for the final 2002 nonpoint sector (Feb 06 version) National Emission Inventory for criteria and hazardous air pollutants / 2006
Documentation for the final 2002 point source National Emissions Inventory 2006
Documentation for the nonroad model criteria air pollutant component for the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) for base years 1970-2001 / 2003
Documentation for the onroad National Emissions Inventory (NEI) for base years (1970-2002) / 2004
Draft technical support document (TSD): preparation of emissions inventories for the version 6.0, 2011 emissions modeling platform 2014
Emissions inventory final rule technical support document 2011
Emissions Inventory System exchange flow configuration document version 1.2b. 2014
Evaluate 2008 NEI to identify areas of improvement that benefit use in residual risk assessments 2012
Getting a cross-walk of EIS to state/local/tribal identifiers from EIS 2015
How can I tell how different the NEI selection is from the data I submitted? 2016
How do I download my facility inventory data? 2014
How do I generate a data category snapshot? 2017
How do I generate an Emissions Snapshot? 2014
How do I request access to the EIS gateway? 2016
How do I retrieve my quality assurance feedback? 2014
How do I submit a support request within the EIS Gateway? 2014
How do I submit to EIS using the web client? 2014
How do I update/change my password? 2014
How do I view a list of facilities? 2014
How do I view and respond to support requests? 2014
Instructions for submitting fire activity data for wild and prescribed fires 2015
Instructions for submitting nonroad inputs for MOVES for the 2014 NEI 2015
Instructions for submitting nonroad inputs for MOVES for the 2017 NEI 2018
Instructions for submitting nonroad inputs for the 2014 NEI 2015
Instructions for submitting ONROAD inputs for the 2014 NEI 2016
Instructions for submitting ONROAD inputs for the 2014 NEI 2015
Instructions for submitting ONROAD inputs for the 2017 NEI 2018
Instructions for using the EPA Nonpoint Oil and Gas Emissions Estimation Tool 2014
NEI pollutant codes with chemical identification standard 2020
NEI quality assurance and data augmentation for point sources 2006
Point source subtraction using MS Access 2016
Profile of the 2011 National Air Emissions Inventory : U.S. EPA 2011 NEI version 1.0 2014
Profile of version 1 of the 2014 National Emissions Inventory 2017
READ ME file for the 1999 NEI for HAPs (stationary sources) 2003
Revisions to PM emissions from natural gas combustion in final version of 2002 NEI 2020
Revisions to the air emissions reporting requirements : revisions to lead (Pb) reporting threshold and clarifications to technical reporting details 2015
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